May 12, 2010

Personal History: Pregnant (not currently)

To say that we were shocked when we found out we were pregnant is an understatement.  We had only been married for 8 months, we were not trying to get pregnant and of course I felt totally unprepared.  That all changed quickly, I got very excited and started to lay the groundwork for the changes that would need to take place once we had our baby.  I knew as soon as I was pregnant that I was having a boy, I never really thought I would have a girl (secretly I hope I only have boys.)  I was sick from 3 months on, puke and a weird cough that lingered and made me pee my pants all the time (awesome!)  I totally got used to throwing up, every night after I brushed my teeth I would puke and brush again. One perk about puke was that I only gained 10 pounds during my pregnancy, which made me so glad to not add too much weight to my ghetto booty. The heartburn was my least favorite thing, I would take medicine every morning and send one of my students to buy me milk every day before math.  My class thought it was hilarious, I thought I was going to have a heart attack.  I stayed at work as long as I could, we needed the money and it helped me keep my mind on other things. I remember sitting through AIMS testing and being so glad that I was going to be home and wouldn't have to work anymore. I had three baby showers and they were all awesome, I was so spoiled.  My work team even planned a whole 6th grade shower for me.  They had all the kids bring me diapers (I didn't buy diapers for Gus until he was 8 months old!)  I drove home with my car full of diapers, it was so great.  I had everything I needed and now it was time to wait for Gus to arrive.


Danika said...

I clicked on your blog and the first thing I saw was the word "pregnant"...then I saw it was personal history!

James said...

Sorry Danika, I wish it was current information too :)

Unknown said...

I didn't know you were so sick. That's terrible. But 3 showers and a car full of daipers is awesome.

Unknown said...
