Conference has come again, it always helps me refocus on those things that I need to work on. I know I have so many weaknesses, but this is the opportunity to work on those that will bless me right now.
October 2016
Posted by Cicily at 2:16 PM 0 comments
If I knew...
If I had known we would only have one child I would have taken more of an effort to soak up those precious baby moments with Gus. I was in a hurry to rush him along to get to all of those benchmarks and get through hard stages. Truth is every stage has had its challenges and rewards. I love who he is right this very minute, I love that he's smarter than I am, but he will still play with the "baby" toys. Every day I'm glad we have Gus, what can only be described by my doctors, as a miracle. So I will soak up every minute of time, all the good and all the bad. He's amazing and I love being his mom.
Posted by Cicily at 11:28 AM 0 comments
Spring break 2015
Quick road trip to Prescott was so much fun. Lots of rain and clouds followed us to Jerome, it was perfect. Jerome is much busier than we remembered. It was worth the wait to eat at the Haunted Hamburger; it was still as good as ever. Gus was worn out after the drive and playing hard, but we made time for a swim and games. It's so fun to be able to vacation together, we love spending time together. We hit the Prescott zoo, it was small and easy to see all the animals. Gus and James loved the Tamarind named Gizmo, it had a special love for James. It literally mimicked every move he made, I wish we had it on video. Finished off our day playing ball by the capitol building. James and Gus worked on the short game, teaching Gus how to make those catches stick. Love my family, they are the best!

Posted by Cicily at 10:17 AM 0 comments
It's the little things that make me so happy. I love the beauty of this season in the desert and my boys doing homework... makes my heart so full.
Posted by Cicily at 8:31 PM 0 comments
360 days of 2015
My goal is to post every day of the year... I'm starting a little bit late, but here's to documenting this amazing year! Year started out with snow on New Years eve and a beautiful mountain the next day. We had a great New Years, playing games and letting the kids run wild!
Posted by Cicily at 11:31 AM 0 comments
October 2014
We got to spend fall break in Utah, it was such a fun trip. We stayed with the Bennions and then headed north to Layton to stay with the McLaughlins. I saw some things I never knew about, like Antelope Island in the middle of Salt Lake. I had no idea it was there and covered with buffalo.
Posted by Cicily at 3:18 PM 0 comments
We've been in our new house for two months and we are getting more things done every day. We figured out the irrigation and now our lawn is beautiful and green. Right after our first irrigation, we also got hit with the 100 year flood. I've never seen so much rain in all my life. Our pool was filled to almost overflowing. We also have an awesome friend living in our tree, a great horned owl. We can't always see him up there, but he's really exciting to watch and he spits out owl pellets that are fun to dissect. Tore out a closet and are working on building a storage room/laundry room. Things are going great!
Posted by Cicily at 2:31 PM 0 comments